OpenAI, the non-profit research laboratory that works on artificial general intelligence (AGI), has developed a robot hand called Dactyl that can now pick up and manipulate objects with human-like dexterity.

Dactyl is a seven-fingered robot hand that is controlled by a reinforcement learning algorithm. The algorithm was trained on a dataset of 10 million images of objects being manipulated by humans. This dataset was used to teach the algorithm how to generate the correct motor commands to pick up and manipulate objects in a variety of different ways.

The results of the training were impressive. Dactyl was able to pick up and manipulate a variety of objects, including spheres, cylinders, and blocks. It was also able to perform complex tasks, such as assembling a Lego model and threading a needle.

The development of Dactyl is a significant step forward in the field of robotics. It is the first robot hand that has been able to achieve human-like dexterity in a real-world setting. This achievement has the potential to revolutionize the way that robots are used in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, and customer service.

How does Dactyl work?

Dactyl works by using a reinforcement learning algorithm to generate the correct motor commands to pick up and manipulate objects. The reinforcement learning algorithm is a type of machine learning algorithm that learns by trial and error. It is given a reward for performing a task correctly and a penalty for performing a task incorrectly. Over time, the algorithm learns to perform the task more and more accurately.

In the case of Dactyl, the reinforcement learning algorithm was given a reward for picking up and manipulating objects correctly. It was also given a penalty for dropping objects or damaging them. Over time, the algorithm learned to perform these tasks with increasing accuracy.

The challenges of developing Dactyl

The development of Dactyl was not without its challenges. One of the biggest challenges was the fact that there was no existing dataset of images of objects being manipulated by humans. This meant that the researchers at OpenAI had to create their own dataset. They did this by using a robotic arm to manipulate objects in front of a camera. The images from the camera were then used to train the reinforcement learning algorithm.

Another challenge was the fact that Dactyl has to be able to deal with a variety of different objects. This means that the reinforcement learning algorithm has to be able to generalize to new objects. The researchers at OpenAI addressed this challenge by using a technique called transfer learning. Transfer learning is a technique that allows a machine learning model to be trained on one task and then applied to a different task.

The potential applications of Dactyl

The development of Dactyl has the potential to revolutionize the way that robots are used in a variety of industries. In the manufacturing industry, Dactyl could be used to automate tasks such as assembling products and inspecting finished goods. In the healthcare industry, Dactyl could be used to perform tasks such as assisting surgeons and providing physical therapy. In the customer service industry, Dactyl could be used to provide customer support and answer questions.

The future of Dactyl

The future of Dactyl is bright. The researchers at OpenAI are continuing to improve the robot’s dexterity and its ability to handle a wider variety of objects. They are also working on developing new applications for Dactyl.

It is likely that Dactyl will have a significant impact on the world in the years to come. It has the potential to make robots more useful and more versatile. This could lead to a wide range of new applications for robots in a variety of industries.


The development of Dactyl is a significant step forward in the field of robotics. It is the first robot hand that has been able to achieve human-like dexterity in a real-world setting. This achievement has the potential to revolutionize the way that robots are used in a variety of industries. The future of Dactyl is bright, and it is likely that it will have a significant impact on the world in the years to come.